'use strict';
* The `BatchGetItem` operation retrieves multiple items from a table in a single call.
* @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchGetItem.html
* @module BatchGetItem
const { compose, map, curry, prop, objOf, apply, bind } = require('ramda');
const { mapMergeFirstPairOfArgs, overFirst } = require('./map-merge-args');
const generateKey = require('./generate-key');
const castArray = require('./cast-array');
* Generate an object containing a `Keys` property pointing to an array of
* DynamoDB wrapped document keys, such as `{ Keys: [{ "name":{"S":"Flynamo"} }] }`.
* @private
* @function
* @param {Array|Object} keys The unwrapped keys to generate the `Keys` from
* @returns {Object} An object containing a `Keys` property
const generateKeys = compose(
// The `BatchGetItem` expects a `Keys` array where each item
// represents a document key without a wrapping `Key` property.
// `generateKey` below returns an object such as `{ Key: { id: 42 } }`,
// so we strip the `Key` field
// Support fetching only one document, without passing in an array
const createBatchGetFor = curry((batchGetItem, table) =>
overFirst(compose(objOf('RequestItems'), objOf(table))),
* Creates a function to allow retrieval of several documents in a single batch.
* @private
* @param {Object} dynamoWrapper The AWS DynamoDB client
* @returns {Object}
function createGetBatcher(dynamoWrapper) {
const batchGetItem = bind(dynamoWrapper.batchGetItem, dynamoWrapper);
return {
* Returns the attributes of one or more items from a table. Requested items are identified by primary key.
* A key represented by a `Number` or a `String` will be assumed to be named `id`.
* Items will be fetched from `tableName`. You would typically use this function through {@link forTable}.
* @public
* @function
* @example
* // Fetch documents of `id` 42, 33 and 7
* await batchGetFor('SomeTable')([42, 33, 7]);
* @example
* // Fetch documents of keys `{ foo: 42 }` and `{ foo: 33 }`
* await batchGetFor('SomeTable')([{ foo: 42 }, { foo: 33 }]);
* @example
* // Retrieve only `name` and `age` fields
* await batchGetFor('SomeTable')([42, 33], { ProjectionExpression: 'name, age' });
* @example
* // Exported from `forTable`
* const { batchGet } = forTable('SomeTable');
* await batchGet([42, 33, 7]);
* @param {string} tableName The name of the DynamoDB table to run the query on
* @param {Array<*> | *} keys Identifiers of elements to get from `tableName`
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to the {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_BatchGetItem.html#API_BatchGetItem_ResponseSyntax response from DynamoDB client}.
batchGetFor: createBatchGetFor(batchGetItem)
module.exports = createGetBatcher;